Something new is brewing and you're gonna like it

 it's been a while hasn't it?

life. it gets you. and you have to deal in or check out.

#coopthedog and something new

for a while there circumstances had me checking into life hard and deep { we lost a family member in december } and everything else had to take a back seat so that i could support them and be supported myself as we planned for a thing we wished we didn't have to.

today, we're all still going thru the motions while also trying to pick up the millions pieces our lives got shattered into.

fresh perspective is what sorrowful events like this gives you.  when i got back home to my studio in january i took time to evaluate how i wanted this blog to exist, if even i wanted it to at all.

i started this blog back in 2007, or the iteration it was before i made it part of my business officially.  back then it was a place to showcase my art quilts and sell my hand dyed fabrics.  it has definitely evolved since then but, unfortunately for me, how i thought about it hadn't changed. this led to it becoming a chore and a hit and miss on when i posted.  no good right?

for the new year i made the decision not to blog anymore. i told my business mastermind group my decision and it felt good.  the pressure was off.  i could commit to just posting on insta { love that space!!!! }


i missed the sharing i did here, in this imperfect space i call my online home.

i had so compartmentalised myself, pushing what i did here into existing in a tiny, tiny space that it became claustrophobic to even think of coming here, let alone writing something and posting it.

now, after a brief time away, i'm beginning to think that i still need this space, but in a different way { that's the power of journaling ... it helps infuse fresh perspective } and i came away with 2 thoughts...

  • i realized that i needed to stop trying to be like those blogs i read.

  • i realized that i needed to stop trying to do things on my blog like those blogs i was trying to emulate.

they do their blog their way.  what i know now is i need not be so rigid in the how and the what i bring to this space because ....i've figured out my why.  phew!

{ this Soul Speak with Grace video to hear about my why }

i share this only to say that..........something new is brewing.

{ remember...fresh perspective }

Choose light and something new

in the above mini-episode of Soul Speak i talk about ..."on choosing light", cause ya know sometimes some things are just a slow dawning.

i'll be sharing a lot more videos with you { like my Soul Speaks }

...and sharing what i know about journaling and how fricking awesome it is { that's Journal Circle }

...and be more consistent in sending out the JLT Notes, my newsletter.

UPDATE: Join The Lighthouse Letters and download your Personal Manifesto Guide.

but, but, but...the biggest way i'm authentically choosing to share AND step into my light { cause i know my why! } is thru my new and most passionate calling ... being a life coach  { see * below }.

journaling has always been a part of my life and sharing this awesome and powerful way to discover more of who YOU are is what i'm supposed to be doing.

and life coaching is...well it's who i am meant to be.

remember oprah's what i know for sure?  this is mine.  { cannot tell you how good it feels to say that out loud.  mmmmh! }

so how are you coming into this picture?

for one, there is the Journal Circle, my way to give back and gather with kindreds in community.  we come together on zoom for about an hour and nurture and support and love and journal and art together.  you'll need to register first and then you'll be automatically notified when the next one will take place.

right now it's free to join us in Circle. we're still growing so i'm trying to find the best times for repeating our journal jOY......once a month or every 2 weeks.  and ya know what.....i would love to have you join us.

plus, fill out the form below to join the JOY Love Tribe and begin receiving JLT Notes on a regular.  thanks for being here and for seeing me.  I hope to see much more of you in the coming months.



btw....that cutie in the pic above is our dog cooper.  that face right?

* life coaching has fast become a passion of mine to be able to help women discover and dig deep into who they are in an authentic and supported way, to help find your joy.  right now i'm in training with kate swoboda of your courageous life and am loving this experience, this new adventure { holy smokes the girl goes deep! }.

one of the things we are now doing as trainees is to take on new outside clients.  i'll be offering my coaching services at a discounted rate while i'm in training.  if you find you're in need support around an issue in your life and want to test the coaching waters, i would love to help you gain clarity and focus and heart-centered wholeness.  find out more here.