You can't pour from an empty cup :: how to bring in more self-love


one of the things i didn't do for myself ( or knew it was even possible back then ) was to show me some self-love.

it was a concept so foreign to me that I never really thought about it.

a few years ago though ( june 2011 to be exact ), as I began to step into this new phase of mindfulness and awareness, I realized that this one thing, SELF-LOVE, was key to my existence as a whole human being and a self defined, powerhouse of a woman...yeh, I went there!

today I definitely understand the significance of self-love

and the huge impact it can have on my mind, my heart, my Soul and my spirit. 

there's a lot of talk out there in the ether about self-love but before you dismiss this one, hear me out.

some call this practice self-care. I still prefer to use the words SELF-Love, because it is in this act of taking time for ourselves, for our very being that we are able to give so completely and freely to others.

whether that action is a thought or a practice or even just a pause in the busyness, it's about bringing love inward and gracing ourselves with something we so easily can, and should,  give to ourselves more regularly.

and the good part is that for most of these practices there's no waiting around for the right time to do it.  you just do it. I gotta tell you, there's something so sweet and purposefully grounding about allowing our self love to unfurl.

so you might be asking yourself, what the heck does she mean cause it sure sounds different.  what I mean is this,

SELF-Love is about....

  • acts of kindness for one
  • being tender + sometimes passionate + always mindful
  • cherishing the sheer enough-ness of you
  • taking up space
  • finding time to reenergize
  • shoring up the parts of you that need support
  • kindness and compassion directed inward
  • knowing in your deepest space that you are worthy
  • showering yourself  with pure, unadulterated, unselfish love
  • taking that one breath to bring you back to center

when we begin with self-love we begin from center, from that inner goddess space that holds all our truths, our knowings.  it's from this space that we open up and fill up over time, it's from this space that we can now offer all that we have to give because......

You can’t pour from an empty cup.
...fill it up buttercup, fill it up with SELF-Love.
— Grace

If you need help to deep dive into beginning or reestablishing your own SELF-Love practice, I've created an short email course "5 days of SELF-Love" that takes you through 5 lessons of SELF-Love plus how to make space for yourself in a kind and loving way.

take care of yourself.  begin now.

till next time,


To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance  ~ Oscar Wilde