18 before 2018 challenge / let's do this!

So Lisa Jacobs over on marketingyourcreativity.com threw down the gauntlet the other day. After reading her post I pondered and reflected and thought and twisted my head into knots going back on forth on what she was asking.

  1. Can I do this thing?

  2. Will I be able to tap into the discipline needed?

  3. Do I even want to do this?

  4. Is it a true desire of mine and if not, can I make it one?

You're probably wondering what the heck is she talking about and even more so, what did I do?

I decided to pick up that gauntlet of course! Just what was Lisa's challenge? To list 18 things you want to accomplish before the start of 2018. That’s it. That's all.

Nah, not really. Ha!

Cause now I gotta actually do them, or at least make a serious attempt at them. I mean it's a challenge after all.  Is completing all 18 possible. Yeh. But that's not the point is it?

It's about trying to rock out the rest of my year.  

It's about putting my head down and working hard at the things I want.

It's about that feeling of accomplishment that'll surround me come December 31 and that deep, sweet exhale I'll be happy to let out.

Ok....there are 4 more months left in the year, more than enough time to knock out quite a few of the things on that list. Right?

The answer I came up with was “Girl please you know you can and you will rock it too!!!” That’s exactly what I heard when I took some deep breaths to ask my inner goddess.

2 nights ago I sat down to craft my list and ended up with 32 items I could tackle.

What the heck right????

From that list I whittled it down to the top 18 things I thought that I could complete in this 4 moths time frame but I also listed a variation of business and personal tasks and goals to keep me on my toes and interested enough to want to attempt them.

My list is about where I want to go in 2018, what I need to finish up (not carry thru) in 2017 and those things that I’d been putting off for one or other reason, legitimate or not.

18 before 2018

Of course I had to put in my bullet journal (where else right?) and did a little decorating too.

My question for you then is…..

What's your 18 before 2018?

What tasks are still on your to-do list that you know if you apply some energy to it you’ll can knock it off your list? I've created a FREE downloadable PDF (see form below) that includes questions to help you figure out what you need to put on your list and a checklist to write them out and keep handy.

Answers to these questions is what your 18 BEFORE 2018 List should include. I know that while reading this blog post some of those things have pushed themselves to the surface in your mind.


....and write them suckers down. Get out your notebook or pull out your phone and verbally record them or type them in a new note. This is big y’all!

BIG because 4 months to finish them is so flipping doable and you and I both know it.

I’m throwing down the gauntlet and I want you to pick it up. I think it's a great way to give ourselves that extra push towards the finish line.

At the end of Sept, Oct and Nov I'll be doing a check-in here on the blog. I'm hoping you'll be checking in with me and letting me know how you are doing too. C'mon.....let’s do this!

Toodles y'all,



p.s. I would love to know your thoughts about this challenge AND what's top on your list of 18.

Comment below and let's support each other as we work toward a fricking awesome finish to 2017.  

What's happening. . .

You may remember that I’m in the last days of my training as a life coach (so excited I am …but boy it’s been a long, very involved process!! Whoa.) With September being the last month before certification I had a totally brilliant idea that involves YOU.

For the whole month of September, before my hourly fees go up to their regular rates, I’m offering 1 hour of coaching to you where you get to set the fee for that hour,with the knowledge that further commitment from you is not a part of this offering.


I would love for you to take me up on this offer and have a conversation with me about what's come up in your life that you might need some clarity around. THIS hon, taking this opportunity, is really about self-love. 

To register for this 1 hour of coaching* click here. Remember….you decide your fee + no further commitment from you.

But......my hope is that after our time together, you begin to see how I can help you get unstuck from those old patterns that are holding you back from all you want for your life, to let me help you unearth your deepest desires and passions so that you can begin discovering the pieces of your Soul that you didn’t know was there all along.

Why am I doing this? Because I believe there's a space within each of us that holds no fear, insecurity or doubt. It's filled instead with courage, bravery, self-confidence & self-love.

And I want to help you get there. 

NOTE: September Coaching is no longer available. But please use this link to book an Intro call with me where I hold space for you to chat about your needs going forward and how we can work together.