dispelling the myths about journaling { part 2 } :: allowing the vulnerability

last tuesday i wrote part one { read ithere } of this 2-part post dispelling a few of the myths that people still believe about journaling. these next 2 are the BIGGIES people.  

getting past these myths are like attempting to jump over a 9 ft wall without a ladder and with your feet tied together BIG.  the ones that, once dispelled, can get you past the vulnerability gremlins { those dang pesky critters } that have tendency to pop up at exactly the time we need to give ourselves some SELF-love.


on allowing vulnerability


myth #4:i have nothing to say  or  { a more damaging thought } i've nothing worth writing about

oh dear soul...YES YOU DO! { didn't mean to shout but some of you really, really need to hear this loud and clear }.  YOU are so very worthy of being heard and seen and recognized for the beautiful person you are.  besides which, you are human and thoughts are constantly running through your mind....from what tasks you need to complete, the ideas you need to implement, why you're feeling so blue, to why that guy, sporting a polka dot yellow jacket over purple striped pants, is dancing down the sidewalk { record this little tidbit in your journal and it'll make you smile every time you read it }.

all of these are things you can write down.  where else is it gonna go but on paper { or digitally } so you can get it out AND remember it.  one simple way to start is with lists.  { a list you ask?  heck yeh i say!  don't worry......we'll get to this fun part of journaing in the final SELF-Love post next week }.

myth #5: journaling will do absolutely nothing for me

hold up! wait a minute!  back it up!!!  the power of a regular journaling practice can be totally mind blowingmind blowing i say!  my peeps, my peeps, journaling is the perfect way to map your growth, your changed perspective or clue you into an eye opening revelation.  journaling has the power to reveal that which needs to be uncovered.  i'll say it again...

Journaling has the power to reveal that which needs to be uncovered. 
— Grace

it helps you find your voice.  it can help you establish better habits and clue you into different parts of the SELF you thought you knew but now you see HER so much clearer.  many a times while re-reading one of my journals i'll hear a little voice in my head say with incredulity "i wrote that???" or "where the heck did that come from?".

all this is available to you by just trusting the process and writing down your thoughts.  begin today.  right now.  just 5 quick minutes is all you need to to begin this SELF-love ritual.

till next time,


a great way to harness your vulnerability is thru creativity and SPECTRUM the workshop will soon be offering up a beautiful holistic and creative journey to help you access these parts of yourself that sometimes wants us to remain hidden.  no more, right?.  join me in class as over 30 healing arts instructors { including me } guide you to finding YOU.

find our more info here.