it's february journaling month y'all!

you ready?

last week i wrote about being 100% in { check out that blog post here }.

but i think it's about time i get down to brass tacks and talk about journaling.  february i've deemed "begin the journaling journey" month, especially for those of you who have yet to start down this awesome , restorative path.

an open journal
an open journal

journaling for me is such an integral part of who i am, who i've become.  without the ability to write my heartwords my mind would be a moosh of jumbled thoughts and ideas floating at sea, waiting for landfall. writing my thoughts down, recording my day or special events or even regular daily happenings that occur, whatever they may be { including the yucky bits } help to ground me in the everyday of being human and.  it keeps me sane enough to carry on.

so i thought...why don't i share it.  share the journey with others and see if they want to come along for this february ride.

{ if you're not a regular journaler just yet....don't worry,  you can download my free pdf on "How to Cultivate a Successful Journaling Habit" to get you started }.

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how we'll proceed

today let's begin with the 5 prompts included in the pdf.  for the next 5 days i want you to choose one of the 5 prompts { no need to go in the order i have them listed, just pick one for each day this week } and write your thoughts down about the chosen prompt in your journal.  allow for exploration, don't write what's expected.  when you finish just close the the book and move onto your next task...i'm a big believer in letting our heartwords settle in our hearts, our soul space a little, so be sure to follow the suggestions i make below:

  1. don't re-read what you wrote
  2. don't edit the words that flow out of you

i want you to allow the journaling you've just completed to do it's work.

the end.

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nah...not yet, lol.  check in on my blog each week in february  { bookmark here or sign up below to receive it automatically } for ways to boost your journaling plus, i think i might have one of my "grace journals" to give away.  let's talk....leave a comment below to let me know what these prompts are bringing up for you.
