daily snippets :: nov 14

create a practice of recording even the boring and mundane bits because these are a part of the life you live

~ jeanette leblanc ~


i’m journaling out loud for 2 reasons: 1. to let you see how easy it is to begin a journaling practice and 2. to challenge you to commit to writing your heartwords daily.  JOIN ME.

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daily snippet

events of the last week has led me to some serious introspection on my part. one of my takeaways (among a few others I've been thinking about) is to try to listen better to those with differing opinions.

I did that, really listened to my kids while they were growing up and I think I now need to try to impart that same thinking, on a much bigger scale, to the world I inhabit. It's one of the ways I can continue to contribute as an individual living her life the best she can.

soooo many other thoughts swirling about I cannot contain them all in this journal right now. later, later. maybe I can get them all out but for now, LISTEN better.


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what about you?  are you listening ...to your heart?  ...to your intuition?  ....to the people around you?  ....to the world collective?  ....to the planet? how can you, in this very moment as you read these words, allow for more listening to take place within you, around you, by you? 

5 tenets to better listening

i share 5 tenets in this minisode about how to be a better listener (+ I go into more detail on each)

  • be curious

  • stay informed

  • allow for silence

  • be open to possibility

  • trust your intuition

I believe in living these everyday.  The one for me that is most important for my daily sanity is No. 3...allow for silence.

For some this is meditation. for me at times, it literally is about just being quiet.  this means each hour in my day doesn't have to be filled with music or audiobooks or a podcast or talking or working. 

Sometimes the best stuff that comes out of me is when I allow the silence of minutes or an hour to envelop me.  It is me and my creativity, whether at my art table or at my desk ...and golden, beautiful silence.

i invite you to listen to your SOUL whisperings.  make it a daily practice and afterwards, go write your heartwords.

That’s it for now.



the corresponding mini episode on SOUL speak is about listening, or more to the point, how can i be a better listener?  { listen to audio below or click here to watch video }


want to read more of my daily snippets? click here