daily snippet :: june 17

i'm journaling out loud for 2 reasons:1. to let you see how easy it is to begin a journaling practice and 2. to challenge YOU & me to commit to something and stick with.  JOIN ME.

daily snippet

2nd Ovation coffee visit in 2 days cause Cr really likes her vanilla mocha blended zaza { such a cool name for drink right? }. D and Cman walked with me as we sat and had coffee w/ J too. Off to my fave art store evah...Collage { i get to go again...wholly smokes yes! } in a few but 1st a visit to post office to mail out my 1st orders. Yay!!! Few orders trickling in since shop relaunch. Gots ppl on my side helping spread the word. Loving my peeps a whole lot right now.

On another note hadn't had bread in a while and forgot that my fave treat, almond croissant, is in bread flour form. Feeling the effects darn it. Broke my streak, now starting from day one again and belly striking back.  Much in plans today. Hope she's clear by the time we need to head to the grad party. Crossing fingers and toes cause J's father is smoking some ribs. I know Cman will devour as much as he can the pig-hog { a friendly family term we use }!



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