watercolour-y ....is that even a word?

the number 5

my muse these days is watercolor. once upon a time I would shy completely away from using this medium but today I love the watercolour-y effects I can get with it.

plus have ya seen the rainbow of colour I can use all in one piece? oh my! my mind is racing with all the cool things I can come up with. for now tho i'm enjoying the this playtime.

for this one I drew my fave number in pencil then went to town adding the splashes of vibrant colour { I tend to go for bold not subdued pastel-y colours even with watercolours ha! }.

I wanted the five to be in black but in brush stroke like it was written with a large sumi brush in Japanese script. it didn't turn out that way and the bold black looked a bit stark against all that colour so I added the line work in white with a signo pen { my new fave writing tool }.

loved how this turned out. the experimenting continues.

toodles, G