how to work WITH your inner critic


do you find that your inner critic shows up the most when you are stressed to the max?

I know with certainty that lady IC picks that exact moment to show up, but the problem is, I still need to get some work done. 

she's got some serious power that one, and SHE KNOWS IT too.  she can start in on those regular patterns of self-doubt and before you know it you're a slip slide away from overwhelm. 

is this you too?

she knows exactly how to get you to back down and one of her faves is to use the old "who do you think you are" ploy.  it's at that point that, despite the reasoning, the why's of any given situation, you tend to give in cause you know....she's won, again.  

then you might start down this road instead....

  • "the nerve of me thinking I can attempt this gargantuan { not really but that's how she makes it out to be } task...."
  • "the nerve of me thinking I can ask for what I need.
  • "the flipping nerve of me thinking I deserve anything good. 

You can choose to continue down the same road road with your inner critic and end up at the same place...nowhere, and still stuck.

...but I have a better solution.

take a listen to the latest minisode of Soul Speak with Grace where I give a a few suggestions on how to deal more effectively with YOUR inner critic.


remember, don't forget to keep journaling your heartwords. 

Take care,



p.s.  If, after watching the video, your finding that you need help sorting through things in your life in a deeper way to help uncover your whys, let's talk and find out just what your inner critic is so worked up about. Schedule your call here.