festive soul food is coming!

guess what? i'm hosting a giveaway!!!

why?  because you deserve it of course but there's another reason. i am one 9 sous chefs chosen to teach in.......


festive soul food banner

to find our more info on the festive soul food and see who the other sous chefs check are and what they're about, check things out here { psst.....they're all a cool bunch of artists, you'll see! }

Registration begins August 1st

our head chefs also asked each sous chef to record a video to introduce ourselves.  you can watch mine here: https://vimeo.com/redbarnstudios/gracehowesinterview

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

Good Luck and See You in Class!

so here's the BIG plus, i get to offer one (1) spot in the class and all you have to do to win it is to enter the giveaway below and share this post on facebooktwitter or instagram and with your friends { whilst you're there go ahead and follow me }. Be sure to leave a comment below to let me know where you shared.

giveaway ends July 15th when the winner will be announced here on the blog { NOTE: I only have one spot to offer so there will only one winner for the giveaway }.

Festive soul food teacher pic