fall reflections :: a month of pausing and reflecting

me walking fall leaves

Fall { or Autumn } is upon us. I love this time of year ...especially the beginning period as the colours change and my favorite colours play riot in trees and on the ground as they waft down.

As the year begins its descent we are left with only a few more months to reflect back on our year, the successes we've had including the missteps along the way. Fall is a perfect time to do some reassessing.

Need some help getting started?


Join me for the month of October as we take a quick look back at where we've been, how far we've come in just 8 short months and how best to move forward as the year draws to a close.  This FREE mini-course is available right now.  Click here to join us.

Each week for the month of October you'll get an email containing easy journaling prompts to help you move through your process of introspection and reflection. ​ One thing you will need as you go through the weekly prompts is a journal, either a new or old treasured, one but make sure it is one you will want to write in.

Use this time to gather your thoughts on what needs to happen for you, your life and the world around you for the remaining months of 2015, and treat it as a guide for the new year to come. Start now to begin your reflection journey.

