daily snippet :: july 15 (I'm back)

create a practice of recording even the boring and mundane bits because these are a part of the life you live

~ jeanette leblanc ~



i’m journaling out loud for 2 reasons: 1. to let you see how easy it is to begin a journaling practice and 2. to challenge you to commit to writing your heartwords daily { let's do this! )

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a pre-note

my last daily snippet was last year november.  wow,  who knew how shook up i would get about events that took place back then.  i remember being in turmoil for a good few days and knew that sharing my words would be impossible to do because, truly,  i had none....things shook me up and a whole lot of other people that badly.  

if you received the latest JLT Note i sent out this week you will have read about my most recent turmoil and how I want to move forward.  one of those things is getting back to sharing some of my daily  journaling snippets with you.  i've actually continued to journal on and off.  seems i  just stopped journaling out loud. hope you're keeping up with your journaling.  cheers for getting back on the wagon.

here goes.....

daily snippet

feel so good about the way this week has ended.  well, except for waking up feeling like crap yesterday morn with a drippy nose, irritated sinuses and no energy to do anything.  staying on the couch with my trusty phone nearby to peruse instagram and other such things seemed like the right thing to do.  but of course, because it's down time, my head gets free reign to think all manner of thoughts unchecked. ugh. that's  cause she's not being overtaken by work thoughts.

one the things that made helped end the week on a high was that i managed to get a chance to be on the live call for my magic making circle group and even chose to unmute myself to speak.  love that H was so excited to hear my voice. THAT FELT AWESOME!  to know that just the sound of my voice could induce someone to smile wide at my presence, mmmh..  but one question immediately came up ( cause that's how my crazy head rolls darn it! ) .....I made YOU that happy???? impossible!  but no, still dealing with those worth issues. ugh.

but, omg i love that women. she doesn't know it but she is my spirit and circle mentor and one of these days  will let her know....one of these days. ha!

last month we did the "she was" prompt. thinking i need to create a page in my art journal using it.  maybe later today.

She was afraid

She was scared shitless

She was floundering

She was capable

She was unsure

She was waiting

She was not ready for the profound change she knew she needed but the BIGness of it always stopped her

But that is not who she wants to be anymore

she is..........waiting for the magic



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remember, in your journal is the space where you get to be free, open up and write the words on your heart.  be willing to go deep...and deeper still.  that’s it for now.




want to read more of my daily snippets? click here