Grace Howes | Biz Productivity & Mindset Coach

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What kind of year will you manifest?

Manifesting is hard work. It is a conscious, ever-present endeavour.

Instead of crafting resolutions every year, I make it easier for myself by working directly with the Universe. Yup, it's a ting y'all! 

I do that by choosing a Word of the Year (WOTY). 

The word I choose each year is about informing what I want to accomplish, what I want to bring in, what I need to make manifest in business (and in my personal life).

The word I allowed to guide me throughout 2017 word was “and....”. joke.

Let me refresh your memory and that little 3-letter cause I had to refresh mine when it showed up. "And" is a conjunction; a word in grammar used to connect two or more words, phrases or clauses. It implies continuation. Ok, and....

The Universe and I fight about what my word will be every single year. Well, truth be told, the word shows up and I resist. Cause I mean.....and???? Who the heck would chose the word AND? 

The previous year, in 2016, my word was the phrase “holding space” and I fought it because it was a phrase instead of a single word. I mean, for realz!!!!

But, once I eventually decide to embrace the wisdom the Universe bestows on me I begin to understand the word’s meaning for me, my future, my life moving forward. Last year was about adding in what I needed to know (which apparently was a whopping whole 9 months of life coach training y'all). 

In my last blog post I wrote about nurturing habits and containment. Last year my word "and..." was about allowing all things new that was meant for me, to come in unhindered. I opened up space by letting go of expectations and choosing instead to just receive

Was it a struggle sometimes? Yes. 

Was it real juicy sometimes. Oh yes. 

Was it beautiful and awe inspiring at times. Definitely yes! 

and... was about saying Yes instead of sitting in that space of automatic No.  Saying No for me was always about staying in my comfort zone. YES was about breaking free and... accepting what is.

My word of the year for 2018 is....


(didn't your eyes just light up after reading it? Me too!!!)

I want to create some MAGIC this year. After my year of and.... I want to harness all the goodness that came out of it and create some serious MAGIC... around me, for me & especially through me, for others.  

In the last few days of 2017, as I allowed the year before me and the year ahead of me to percolate and mix and give grace to, this showed up... 

Word of the Year - MAGIC! 

The Desire - Connection

The Feeling - Abundance

The Action - SHOW UP

The Hashstag - #itstime

So back to my question, how are you going to manifest this year?

Do you even know what you want for yourself this year? If you haven't already done so, truly take some time to think about. 

  • Is there a change in you or your environment that needs to happen?

  • Is it time to truly begin the process of getting your finances in order?

  • Is the time nearing that a new job needs to be in your future...OR

  • Are you ready to jump ship into entrepreneurship & make things happen for you, on your own terms?

(and if that last question lit a fire inside of you...then hon, it's time)

Now don't get me wrong, this year doesn't have to be a shake up. Is your insread Soul craving a slow down because you've been going, going going?

Do you need to schedule some intentional pauses (aka self-care) in your daily work or in the coming months?

I invite you to take a couple of days, if you haven't already, to give some serious thought to how this year needs to unfold for you. Plan some "me time" this weekend to jot down in your journal what you want this year to be. As for me.....

I'm creating MAGIC y'all!  No joke. 

And you know why? Because #itstime.

(look for the above hashtag and this one ...#doingGrace to show up on my IG feed regularly this year)

Are YOU ready to shake things up in 2018?

Let's do this!



p.s. See you at our 6 month WOTY check-in. Mark your calendar now. Go on. And don't forget to shoot me an email and let me know what your word for 2018 is when it shows up ... *wink, wink*.

Next post: new ideas for habit creations (oh yeh, we're diving in!)

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Hey.....are ya not sure what's what about your way forward? Think you might need some help figuring out your why to actually get your what?

Book a Shift Session with me and let’s start you off right.