Grace Howes | Biz Productivity & Mindset Coach

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new year resolutions again?  wait, there's another way. 

so rather than feeling guilt and shame for the rest of the year because i've failed yet again, i started implementing christine kane's WORD OF THE YEAR .  what a flipping difference to how my year shows up for me, my life, my business for those 12 months!

my woty for 2015 was E X P A N D .  it took its time making itself known { didn't really solidify till feb of last year...i mean seriously right! } but once it showed up it was game on.  it made so much sense in one respect in that our family had already decided to do one BIG expansion ... move from charlotte, nc to portland, oregon this past summer.

yeh, let’s hear it for BIG moves baby!

E X P A N D also meant something to me and my husband, moving from the rut we found ourselves digging thru for the last few years in our marriage to something better and more fulfilling for both of us { next year we will be celebrating our silver anniversary.  booyah! }

E X P A N D was also a catalyst for me in business.  the previous year i took a 10 month long business course that helped me implement ways to be more visible as a creative in business { financially not so much yet but creating a presence online was key } so much so that, without going after it, i was asked to be an instructor in one of the big online class.  so blown away that i opened the email, read the 1t few lines and immediately closed it cause i couldn't believe what i was reading { can i say booyah! again and not be redundant?  ha!}

E X P A N D, on a personal front,  was very freeing for me.  my tendency has always been to hang in the background.  i rarely stepped out beyond my own shadow to shine my own light, but that changed.  i opened the door and things began to manifest themselves, something i hope to encourage others to do in the new new year.

so that brings me to this year, 2016.  my word of the year is...

yeh, i know, it's a phrase but it is what kept showing up this last month of december { which is a bit late as well cause it usually starts making itself known around sep/oct }.

even as i write it my woty, it calms me as i take a deep breath inhaling its essence and all that it means for me for the new year. 
