Grace Howes | Biz Productivity & Mindset Coach

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How to let go of old stories, old habits, old thinking

It was her brave that led to my brave ~ Hannah Marcotti

Listen, we all have old crap in our emotional closets that still lives within us; old stories, old habits and old thinking that sometimes gives us a false narrative of the person we are today but sadly, it’s where we tend do our work from.

Today, let’s talk about learning to let go of all that crap we hold on to.

Think about this….what would happen if you took some time to really look at these old patterns of yours, spend some time looking at how your old stories hold you back or keep you from being your best self in your business?

Take a listen and find out what happened to me recently when an old story of mine surfaced….

What if that limiting thought you keep telling yourself is your truth, when it’s really just your scared 15 yr old self showing up with that tired, old untruth meant to keep you, safe way back when?

What if peeling back the layers on what’s holding you back from showing up fully and completely in your most authentic voice is what’s needed right now?

What if, allowing light into those places inside you that holds onto these shadow-playing stories and habits, gives you BIG insights into how you can play bigger, into how you can show up more powerfully in your life and business?

What if huh?

Maybe it’s time to let go of those old habits and thinking that no longer serves you.

Maybe it’s time to begin creating your new stories, those rooted in truth and authenticity and bold, badass bravery that have you moving forward, playing bigger and showing up.

What if that time is NOW?