Grace Howes | Biz Productivity & Mindset Coach

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Let's talk about self-care

Sometimes it okay just to be a human BEING and not always a human DOING 

Today, I’m going slightly off script y’all. Well, not really. It's still about taking care of you, only different.

Today I was listening to a podcast on my daily walk (CEO stories) and in among the things the interviewee was saying were these words “self-care for entrepreneurs” and how we don’t think about it as a thing. 

If you’re an entrepreneur, like I am, when I sit down to work it’s all about getting down to business. About doing the things that have me moving forward which could like like taking care of admin, creating or refurbishing content, staying on top of social media, engaging, connecting, showing up.

Yeh, all of that!

Thing is, the previous day I had gone for a walk and forgot to do an insta story on Instagram (that's my jam!). Didn’t think about it till much later that evening and immediately I set in on myself. 

The capital “S” stories began and my Inner Critic (IC) started harping in on my subconsciousness and, without me even realizing it, I had beat myself up. No, seriously! The words from my IC were a bit on the harsh side y'all.  

So during my walk this morn those pesky words wanted to start their symphony again but luckily for me, right then I heard the words… 

Self-care for entrepreneurs 

It was like the heavens opened up. It was time to back off from that headspace and, instead, change the channel.

That got me to thinking about how we, as women in business, take care of ourselves. I am a very vocal advocate for self-love of us as women but flipping heck I forgot to include business Grace in that equation as well. 

What do you do to take care of yourself. . . your business self that is? 

Here are a few things I came up with that might just be the balm for you too as you go thru your day doing #allthethings for your business. 

TAKE A BREAK |  Did you hear that? Take a darn break or many small ones during your day. I mean actually walk away from the computer or the what you’re creating or in between classes you’re teaching. Take a real break (c’mon, not a phone break, I know that’s what you’re thinking. Ha!).

Walk around your space moving your arms as well, stretch your neck,, shrug shoulders do a couple of your fave yoga poses…something, anything to break up the monotony of just you working. Guess what, your body & and your mind will thank you for it. 

SCHEDULE AN OUT OF THE OFFICE DAY*  |  Or couple of hours. This could look like meeting a friend or fellow entrepreneur for coffee/brunch/lunch, do a fave thing you haven’t had time for recently  like a museum, a hike, the zoo. (yes, the zoo...go say hi to the elephants for me).

Take a drive up a mountain, into the countryside, along a coastline, around a new-to-you neighbourhood and just check out the scenery. Observe what’s around you.

Really notice what you might have been missing. Let Mother Nature be your guide to lighting you up inside. 

*at the time of this writing social distancing was not part of our daily lives.


TAKE A NAP |  No, seriously! Set a timer for 20/30 mins and go lay down, close your eyes and let your whole body rest. Mmmmmh.  And remember …..NO phone!

This self-care might seem frivolous or overly indulgent to you right now but when kids are cranky or moody or tired what do we know they need? Yup. SLEEP. 

So why not you? And who says you can’t do it in the middle of your work day??? If you’ve been going, going, going at such a pace for weeks on end, guess what? You prolly could use some extra zzzzs. Permission granted. 


INDULGE | Whatever that looks like for you, do it. Make yourself smile. BIG & WIDE because you took care of you. 

If you’ve not indulged for a long time or you have no idea what that might look like…..use one of your break times to brainstorm the things that would bring the biggest smile and the happiest heart to you. Go all out here. I’m calling this self-care practice INDULGE for a reason. Duh!


REACH OUT FOR HELP | Sometimes things come to a point where you have no clue what to do or sometimes even, haven’t a clue what’s wrong. This is the time to reach out, don’t nest some more or dig a deep hole. Talk to a friend, call a family member. 

If it’s a business issue talk to a fellow entrepreneur to bounce things off of (I couldn’t do with out my business support guru and helper, you know who you are). Time to find a business coach to help you figure out forward movements? If you’re in a Mastermind group, reach out. This is what they’re there for. 

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Taking care of the business YOU has to be a regular part of your self-care routine. You are no good to anyone you want to serve as an entrepreneur if you falter cause you’re on autopilot all the time.

Ask business-you what she wants, what she needs. It could be as simple as standing up and stretching. 

Yeh. Just that. 

So go on, take care of you. 



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pssst.....there's another way to reach out for help. 

The Clarity Spotlight Sessions

Two-45 minute sessions. An issue you you just can't figure out alone. Me and you doing some deep dive digging into what's up. You gaining some clarity and focus on how to move forward.

Check out how it works here. Go over and let's begin.